my Snark

Pop Culture . . . whatever

Ryan Murphy: Glee and Nip/Tuck both have terrific casting

GLEE makes me happy. I spent the past few days watching Season One and I find myself singing more, humming more and wanting to break out into song and dance. I was a big fan of Ryan Murphy’s Nip/Tuck and I see much of the same humor and phenomonal character development in Glee. I always felt N/T lost it’s mojo after a few seasons. Was that because Murphy was busy casting and writing Glee? I don’t care. N/T had a few great seasons and introduced me to some wonderful actors. Julian McMahon was the first actor I actually ever googled because I wanted to learn more about this gorgeous actor.

Finishing Season 1 of Glee brought tears to my eyes. Well, a cold wind could bring a tear to my eye but the Glee club singing To Sir With Love (with Sue watching) was emotional on many different levels.

I think Ryan Murphy’s greatest strength is his terrific casting. In N/T Season 1, the villian was played by Robert LaSardo and all these years later I still remember him and now recognize him in older roles and new roles. I also see great casting in Glee. Lovable Kristen Chenoweth and Stephen Tobolowski have recurring roles that always make me laugh and highlight their great talents.

The young people are all unknowns and their talent surpasses many famous recording artists/entertainers. They are not polished and marketed all pretty but seem like real people, real kids, real representatives of people we all know.

Ryan Murphy is a genius and I want to thank him for the hours of entertainment he’s brought into my life!

December 12, 2010 Posted by | Glee, Hunky Men, Inspiration, Julian McMahon, Kristin Chenoweth, Lady Gaga, Nip/Tuck, Ryan Murphy | Comments Off on Ryan Murphy: Glee and Nip/Tuck both have terrific casting

Are you there Vodka, it’s me, Chelsea — Becomes an NBC Sitcom!

Chelsea Handler lands an NBC comedy:
Are you ready to see her Horizontal Life on the small screen?

Chelsea Handler is joining her fellow E! late-night host Joel McHale on the peacock network. Wait, Chelsea as Greendale’s new alcoholic professor?! Alas, we can only hope. But still, there’s good news! NBC has picked up the pilot Are You There Vodka? It’s Me, Chelsea, based on Handler’s popular memoirs .

The comedy will pull stories from each of the three books, My Horizontal Life: A Collection of One-Night Stands, Are You There Vodka? It’s Me, Chelsea, and Chelsea Chelsea Bang Bang, and focus on the life of a 20-something woman who will closely resemble Handler herself, without having the profession of a comedian/author. Since Handler has already lived the hilarious situations that landed her on the best-sellers list, she’ll be working behind-the-scenes as executive producer, instead of in front of the camera, along with her Borderline Amazing partner Tom Brunelle, and Werner Entertainment’s Werner and Mike Clements. “The show will be mined from my books and allow me the creative control to put a younger actress in the situations I found myself in at 26, while I sit back, laugh, and not get arrested,” said Handler in a statement to EW.

So is Chelsea Handler the Candace Bushnell of the 21st century? (Call it the Carrie Curse, but it seems like any comedy about a professional single woman will always draw comparisons to Sex and the City). Those of you who’ve read Handler’s books know how rich in Not Suitable For Network TV material they are, so are you bummed at the thought of a possibly watered-down version of her antics? Or, are you the type that doesn’t flinch are the sounded of a dubbed “idiot” instead of you-know-what?

Handler, who has hosted Chelsea Lately since 2006, is currently working on After Lately, a Larry Sanders Show-style comedy based on her job as host of E!’s late night talk show, and was recently cast alongside Reese Witherspoon, Tom Hardy, and Chris Pine in McG’s upcoming film This Means War.

Are we destined for a full-fledged Handler takeover, PopWatchers?

November 4, 2010 Posted by | Books, Chelsea Handler, Employment, Gossip, Humor?, Hunky Men | Comments Off on Are you there Vodka, it’s me, Chelsea — Becomes an NBC Sitcom!

“Grey’s Anatomy” May 13th Episode: Recap (spoilers)

First scene is Bailey with a hot, shirtless man. It’s obvious they are about to “do it” which is what Bailey needs.

Teddy enters Sloan’s apartment, walks in, undresses, and sees another woman in the bed as he comes out of the shower, shirtless, of course.

In the elevator, Bailey is singing a song and Mark and Derek ask why. She’s just happy (after sex glow) and giddy and doesn’t say anything. Then the guy (I’ll look up his name, McHotCoco?) gets on the elevator and he’s singing the same happy sex song. hmmmm? Subtle.

Demi Lovato is playing Hayley, a schizophrenic girl who’s parents are about to commit her. She grabs a sharp implement to kill herself and Alex Karev is calm and talks her down with his charm and cuteness.

She keeps insisting she’s not crazy and she gives Alex the sharp tool.

She’s tied to the bed. “Page Shephard,” says Karev.

Shep wants to run some tests. They want to find out what is really wrong but the parents, especially the father, are just convinced she’s schizophrenic.

They finally agree to run more tests.

Sloan with Amber, a driving-while-texting victim. They will remove the burned area and regraph her skin and hair. The entire side of her face is burned.

Old couple reunite while their gurneys are passing in the hall. Marion Ross, was his wife’s best friend and supposed to be the maid of honor. They were in-love but both married other people. They were each other’s first.

They were each in their respective exam rooms telling the doctors of their love story gone bad. He wanted to call off the wedding. She left across the country and he married his wife and she married someone else. They both never stopped loving or thinking of each other. Both of them reminisced with sweet love in their voices.

The other doctors put them together but Yang says he has a bad heart. “A happy patient is a healthy patient.”

“You’re okay with this?” barks Christina?

“How Romantic” — says the doctor in charge.

Checking Hayley’s brain. All clear. Alex is saying “I know crazy, I grew up with crazy . . . ” They all decide to advocate for the patient and continue tests. She’s crying as she comes out of the MRI. I think she’s crying because she’s relieved that someone, Karev, is listening to her cries for help and not just announcing her “crazy” and needing to be committed.

Lexie asks Alex “are we dating? . . . what are we? I”m over Mark.”

He kisses her and says, “We’re a thing . . . we see each other . . . whatever.” it was cute and she looked happy when he walked away. She’s actually a very pretty woman and I think she looks good as a blond.

In surgery the Chief is commenting on Owen and Teddy’s surgery “shorthand.” Remembers having it with with a former colleague. Christina immediately knows that Chief is talking about Ellis, Meredith’s mother.

Alex and Mer talking about the girl they were testing and Mer says that Alex is becoming a real doctor. Sort of like saying ‘you’re growing up.’. Christina sits at another table because she’s mad at Mer for giving her doubts about moving in with Owen.

Alex suggests they ask “Lexopedia” if she has a mysterious diagnosis that she possibly read about a long time ago. Mer says, “She’s not a book.” and Lexie sheepishly says, “I kinda am.”

Lexie remembers some article, June ‘o4, green cover. Wow. Alex will check it out and he leave the sisters alone. Lexie tells Mer that she thinks it’s gross that Mark is with Teddy. Mer says, “you’re with Alex.”

Then Christine, with emotion, comments on the conversation that Owen and Dr. Weber had in the operating room.

“Owen is Ellis, Teddy is Dr Weber, I’m Thatcher?” and she’s very upset. Mer, speechless for once, says, “I don’t know . . .”

“Forget it” spouts Christina as she storms away.

More tests for Hayley. Big eyes. Mom is complaining that these test are torture but she cooperates. Alex has her hold her nose and blow. This is a very specialized test. Her eyes start convulsing back and forth. She cries “no” and rips off the apparatus on her head.

“What did you just do???” said an angry parent.

“I diagnosed her,” says confident, happy Dr. Karev.

Bailey sees her man flirting. Flirting hard. Giggling, touching. She looks PISSED off and walks away without speaking to him. “Miranda? Miranda?:? Shit. I didn’t know she had a first name or I thought her first name was Bailey.

Amber, the car crash victim has to have 3 fingers amputated. This has to be done before her hair graphs. Bailey says she could cry. Amber’s annoying friend says, “NO, we stay positive.” Bailey, “she can be positive tomorrow,.” The girl breaks down crying and is grateful for the freedom of being able to feel sorry for herself and weep.

Back to the other patient, Derek and Alex explain the condition to the parents. It’s an ear thing that’s very difficult to diagnose. She’s not schizophrenic and this can be corrected with surgery.

Miranda and Sloan are alone and she starts grilling him. “Is one woman ever enough for some men?” She’s thinking of her guy but he’s thinking of himself and says:.

“Teddy and I were never exclusive. Were you and your guy exclusive?
“We’re not talking about me” and she leaves the room.

The old couple are now in the same room. He asks her to live with him. She says they barely know each other. He wants her to think about it before surgery (not sure who’s surgery).

Marion Ross, Emmy winner and icon, “I got over you . . . Henry” She explains the joy of her family and her life with her husband, children and grandchildren. “I got over you. I’m sorry.”

Everybody, especially Callie, is heartbroken.

Surgery on the car crash victim. Sloan wants to do the hair restoration while she’s anesthetized. They decide to go for it.

Christine has a sad look and walks up to Mer, hesitates and says, “do you think your mom ever got over the chief? Do you think she still loved him after all those years”

“She loved him till the day she died.”

“What were you trying to tell me about Teddy and Owen? Tell me what you know.”

Mer says something stupid that reminded me of Kelly from RHONY, “There is you and me, and me and Derek, and I’m telling you because of you and me but I can’t say more because of me and Derek.” yeah, whatever.

Christina says, “I need there to be a me and Own>” Ohe, I hear you sister. I’d like there to be a me and Owen too.”

Mer finds Derek and exclaims, “I hate your job.”

“I love you,” responds her post-it note husband.

“Do you think he loves her? Teddy?”

“You can’t tell Christina.”

“I know, that’s why I hate your job.”

“Wanna hug?”

Surgery and Lexie is being sarcastic to Callie about Mark sleeping around. Callie wants the old couple to be together. She wants to “believe” Good luck with that. I do too.

The girl is complaining about the scar. Her delusional friend says, “you’ll be doing shampoo commercials in no time.”

The friend states “we’re alive, it’s better than the alternative.”

Amber starts telling her friend that she can’t drive because of her fear after the accident.. She’s begging her best friend and she want to be REAL for once, !

The friend loses it talking about romantic comedies. They laugh together. Mer watches & thinks about Christine.

Mer goes to Owen and says something I can only describe as ‘ripping him a new one.’ She basically told him to make up his mind and decide if he will be ‘that guy’ for Christina.” She was brutal. I liked it.

Mark and Teddy. “I should have knocked, it’s over.” Don’t know if she meant the incident or the relationship.

Callie wants Mark to go to Lexie. “She’s with Karev” he whines.

Callie thinks they are the love of each other lives and wants Mark to go to her now. They hug. They sleep together when she’s not gay.

Owen explains to Christine about wanting the hospital to hire someone else in stead of Teddy. He’s trying to’get better” and doesn’t understand how he feels.

They are fighting. “I don’t know what I feel for Teddy.” It’s all related with his ptsd and it’s confusing. She’s crying and Owen is yelling that he shouldn’t have to explain himself to her or Meredeth. Teddy was eavesdropping. She was there to notify Owen about the old man patient.

The old man crashed. He wakes up and they tell him they need to insert pacemaker.

Marion Ross says she’s moving across the country to be with him and she never forgot him. What a great actress.

“how long do you need me to wait before I propose?” he says.

Christina stomps out, Owen chases, “Christina?” . . .


Hayley is waking up. She feels “good.” “I’m Good.” I’M GOOD” mommy hugs her, everybody is happy. On FOX this story could have been an entire episode of “House.”

Bailey at the elevator and guy wants to talk to her. “I get it , you want to see other people” she spouts at the man she recently had sex with.

He explains that he’s nice to Liz cuz she’s such a bitch. He says he flirts with her because if he’s nice it benefits his schedule and who he might work with. It’s just “his way” and he really doesn’t give it his “good flirting.”

He tells her that the Good flirting is for Miranda because HE Means it. She starts the singlemomswhine . . . “I don’t have time for games.”

“I’m not playing games, I’m in this for real.” Yeah, whatever. They are in the elevator together and they hold hands.

Lexie was right about the diagnoses and Alex want them to celebrate at the bar. He walks off for a minute and Mark walks up and tells Lexie he’s still in love with her. He asks for another chance. “I’m in love with you.”

“Karev, he’s, . . .I I have a boyfriend . . .”

“Oh well, I’m saying you could have a husband.” He walks away ansd Karev puts his arm around her, “you ready?” he slaps her ass and they walk off with their arms around each other.

Callie on elevator with her ex, Arizona. They broke-up because Callie wants kids and Arizona absolutely does not want children. Awkward. Hot lesbian kissing.

That’s what elevators are for.

and Arizona she walks off . . . no words spoken.

Der & Mer in bed and Christine storms in. Der leaves and Christine gets in the bed. “Well, I’m not moving in with Owen.” Mer shows her “her room” in the new house they were building in the woods.

They cuddle.

May 14, 2010 Posted by | Couples, Grey's Anatomy, Hunky Men, Kevin McKidd, TV Drama, Workplace | | Comments Off on “Grey’s Anatomy” May 13th Episode: Recap (spoilers)

Conan Live! Sarah Silverman, Jonah Hill

April 29, 2010 Posted by | Comedy Central, Comedy Examiner, Conan O'Brien, Humor?, Hunky Men, Sarah Silverman | , , | Comments Off on Conan Live! Sarah Silverman, Jonah Hill

Conan O’Brien Update from Dallas Comedy Examiner

Conan O’Brien is currently shaping up for his “Legally Prohibited From Being Funny on Television Tour”, while also trying to smooth out the wrinkles in a proposed deal to host a new talkshow on FOX starting in January.  Dude’s busy, but– according to sources from “Team Coco”– that’s not why he’s taken himself out of the running to host this year’s Tony Awards on CBS.  Is this just another restriction outlined in his “gag order” from NBC, or did Conan just not have time to host the Tony’s?  We’ve got the details below, my gentle Examiner readers…CLICK to continue . . .

April 1, 2010 Posted by | Advertising, Comedy Examiner, Conan O'Brien, Gossip, Greed, Humor?, Hunky Men, Workplace | , | Comments Off on Conan O’Brien Update from Dallas Comedy Examiner

Jibberjabbers does it again!

Please check out JibberJabbers for more funny satire, chat, commentary and hilarious photoshop creations.

March 25, 2010 Posted by | Attention WHORE of the YEAR, Gosselin, Gossip, Greed, Humor?, Hunky Men, JibberJabbers | , | Comments Off on Jibberjabbers does it again!

St Patrick’s day . . . Chicago Style!!

March 14, 2010 Posted by | Artwork, Holidays, Hunky Men | Comments Off on St Patrick’s day . . . Chicago Style!!

“Celebrity Rehab” or “D-listers open up their wounds to the public

10 years ago I had an hour commute to work. On the way home we listened to “Love Line” with Dr. Drew and Adam Corolla. I LOVED Dr. Drew. Thought he was wise, empathetic and ethical. His career has exploded the past few years and he is the “go to” guy for addiction on VH1, MTV, CNN and HLN.

“Celebrity Rehab,” “Sober House” and “Sex Addiction Rehab” are three shows on VH1 that star Dr. Drew and D-list celebrities trying to either get clean and sober or to get their names back out in the public for future career revival. I completely understand that shows like this really do help addicts watching and can be very inspirational. However, I also think these shows are extremely exploitative. “Sober House” showed so many of the clients “having a relapse” — Yes, I undertand that relapse is part of addiction and recovery but watching it made me feel dirty, like a peeping tom.

This season has Dennis Rodman, Mackenzie Phillips, Heidi Fleiss, Carrie Ann Whatever, Joey from “Real World,” Mindy McCready, and some others who’s names I forget. This was filmed before Mackenzie’s book with her “revelation” about her father was released. So far, I find her to be the most “into” recovery and the most willing to do the things necessary to get where she needs to be.

In one very emotional scene, Dr. Drew took her to say goodbye to her dog before he was put down. Her tears and the love for that little dog touched my heart and I was crying along with Mac. Did Dr. Drew go with her because he was afraid she’d use drugs or because it would make “good TV?”

I guess I’m just so sick of every emotion, therapy session, puke and personal moment people have being exploited for ratings, sponsors and tears. Dr. Drew wrote a book about the addiction of celebrity but he is one of the biggest offenders. Click here to see how many shows Dr. Drew has on his resume.

Many of the clients on these shows comes from the management company of David Weintraub. On “Sober House” I saw him encourage his girlfriend, porn star, Mary Carey, to strip in club even though she was trying to get clean and sober and change her life. Great guy. Great manager.

February 15, 2010 Posted by | Advertising, Gossip, Greed, Hunky Men, Reality TV | | Comments Off on “Celebrity Rehab” or “D-listers open up their wounds to the public

SUPERBOWL & Valentines’ Day

Superbowl Sunday and ask me if I care? I care about my football pools. There were three of them and my best friend (other than JenD) gave me over $250 to distribute the money in the different pools for her husband, kids, sister, dad. Different amount for the each different pool.

Do you think I screwed it up? OF COURSE I DID!! She’s annoyed as hell with me so she better win. Hopefully all her family members will win.

I think I’d like to see New Orleans win but it’s the scores and numbers that count.

ETA: I just found out that the Who are performing during halftime. I’m estatic! Roger Daltrey was my teen aged fantasy and I had posters of him all over my walls. I’ve seen the Who about 5 times and I saw Entwistle perform in a small club before his death. Now I have more to look forward to than the numbers at the end of each quarter.

Funny story. The friend I mentioned earlier and I went with our husbands to see the Who. The guys had never met before and didn’t say a word to each other the entire night. She and I went to the bathroom and when we came out they were standing 10 feet apart trying their damnest not to have eye-contact. It was hysterical. We never double-dated again after that.

Valentines Day is around the corner and my apartment will be decorated in the theme of “Cupid Puked.” Dave is arriving next Sunday and I’m going to tell him that “I’m really not into Valentines’ Day” and then when we get back to the apartment – – – BAM. Yeah, I’m goofy for him. Big Time.

One long week of work and then we are all on vacation. Job interviews, family visits and cleaning out closets are on the agenda. One of us is moving soon and things need to be accomplished.

February 7, 2010 Posted by | Couples, Greed, Holidays, Hunky Men | Comments Off on SUPERBOWL & Valentines’ Day

The Tooth Fairy made me laugh and cry (Spoilers)

It’s no secret that I think Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson is the perfect man specimen. I still stand by that opinion. During an early locker room scene, I gasped. They covered up his body tattoos so it was pure ROCK. He is beautiful.

In this silly movie he plays a hockey player known as “The Tooth Fairy” because his hard hits tend to send teeth flying. He’s dating a woman (Ashley Judd) who has two children. The mother wants her kids to believe in dreams and wishes. Darryl tends to be cynical and actually steals the little girls tooth money to win a poker hand.

Julie Andrews plays the “head” fairy and she is perfect in this role. A shoutout to Tracy, played by Stephen Merchant. I never saw this guy before but he was terrific. Very tall, thin, weird looking and a wonderful face full of expression.

Billy Crystal’s one scene stole the show. My kid was elbowing me and theater goers were turning around to look at me laughing my ass off. I’ll see if I can describe the scene and do it justice.

Crystal’s character was giving the new Tooth Fairy all the “tools of the trade.” He gave him a tube if “shrinking goo” and started explaining that he likes to get real tiny and walk in ink. Then he walks all over his wife’s body and when she wakes up she has tiny little black footprints all over her body.

His delivery, which was probably improvised, had me laughing harder than I’ve laughed in a long time. It was as if NOBODY in the theater even knew who Billy Crystal was or why I was laughing. Oh well, I enjoyed that part the most, obviously.

The ending had tears rolling down my face. Yes, it’s a light and silly movie but I enjoyed every minute of it.

January 25, 2010 Posted by | Dwayne Johnson, Humor?, Hunky Men, Movies | | Comments Off on The Tooth Fairy made me laugh and cry (Spoilers)